You know, sometimes it’s really hard to stay “on track.”
There are triggers everywhere…
A trigger is anything that sets you off emotionally and activates memories of trauma. It's specific to your life and experiences.
When triggered, we cycle back to old habits, feelings and patterns.
Every day,
we wake up and we have to deal with those triggers…
those annoying little instances (or maybe massive mistreatments) that set us off.
They are really small in the grand scheme of things, but they can also be so powerful.
But then… those things keep happening. The universe keeps testing us, to see if we have overcome those triggers; to see if we have grown in the way that is needed for our best self to emerge.
It’s the way that we deal with those things that really makes a difference. We can either let them trigger us and react upon the emotions that we feel, or we can choose to learn from our triggers and redirect those emotions.
What I mean by this is: we have the choice. We are able to decide whether we are going to make a great day for ourselves, or a miserable one. We have the ability to take life by the wheel and learn from it, or we can resist & go against it.
The biggest flaw in our society is that we believe life is happening to us and not for us. We have the ability to change that narrative, but the sad reality is, many people don’t even realize that’s where they’re going “wrong.” Instead of going with the flow, they’re pushing against it; causing turbulence and a great deal of unsatisfactory results. The truth is, this life is a divine blessing and every aspect of it is here to help us grow, to help us understand ourselves a little more. Most of all, this life is meant to help us grow and change.
By resisting these natural phenomena, we are resisting the flow of life.
Now, I know what you’re thinking.
Changing is hard. Life is hard.
And that’s totally true, if you believe it to be true. Your mind creates everything in your reality, whether it be your current reality, future or past reality; it was all created with your mind.
Our ability to change our reality and even our way of life is totally dependent on this as well. Obviously, it’s not that simple; we can’t just think a thought one day, and it automatically appear in our lives (although, this does happen - its usually subconsciously).
However, with consistency, practice and love as well as gratitude, we are able to create a life that we love to live. We are able to identify triggers and flow with them, instead of against them.
We are capable of anything we put our minds to
and I truly mean that with every part of my being.
We are given certain circumstances in order to learn from them; everything about this life is some sort of learning lesson, pushing us forward.
If we aren’t conscious of this, though, we can drown ourselves in negativity and literally succumb to that kind of lifestyle: being drowned, constantly.
Triggers can either be utilized to help us to grow, or they can push us further down under water, leaving us with little-to no air left; killing us internally.
We have the ability to separate ourselves from the emotion we feel associated with those triggers; we have the ability to see them as happenings, rather than something happening to us.
I’ve lived a long life.
Sometimes, I feel as though I’ve gone through so many generations of pain and anguish to get to where I’m standing right now; to be grateful for this life, and living it to my full potential.
Triggers pass me by every day of my life.
And every time I see one or something someone says triggers an emotion in me, I see it as a lesson and instead of reacting, I decide to bring something else to the table:
Instead of acting upon the emotion first felt when I’m triggered, I decide to transcend that emotion and say something that adds meaning to both myself and the other party(ies) involved.