“I Want It; I Get it”
I get to have it because I want it.
I want it because I get to have it.
My desire is the guidance I trust in my desires, more than anything.
I love my desires to be what they are without trying to fix them, or put them in a box or get approval from someone else.
My power is in knowing that I get to have it because I want it.
My pleasure is worth everything.
I allow myself to be guided by my pleasure to fulfill my own desires, to allow myself to think in the ways that fulfill my own desires.
I allow myself to be naturally abundant in the way that I’m thinking feeling and moving through my life experience.
I know that I can have anything that I want.
I know that I can get anything.
I know that it is my responsibility to align with that which I desire, and I do so by continuously allowing myself to think about the things that I want.
So many people will tell you that you have to make sure it’s in alignment or make sure it’s right or define it so clearly so that it makes sense to someone else. “Make sure you know what you’re going to do with it when you get it.” YES. TOTALLY. Set the intention of what your desire gets to be for you once you receive it — be unwavering in that desire.
Sometimes those manifestation techniques are the path. Sometimes that helps. And, sometimes it just complicates the process + makes you push it farther away for yourself because of how much pressure you’re putting on it.
As long as you know what you feel in your heart, and you allow yourself to be led by that heart, you set yourself up for success every single time.
It’s not about making sure it’s plausible or possible.
It’s not about coming back into reality.
The whole point is to create your own reality.
The whole point is to choose what you want and be so firm in what you want to know that there is no other option except for that happening.
Yes, being open to the way that the universe leads you to that desire, but knowing that the end result is what you desire to be.
And additionally, you can actually create every single step along the way by way of feeling and what you actually feel like, or believed to be possible along the way.
This is how you create the bridge that bridges the gap between your now reality, and your future self.
And I’ve done it.
I’ve done it multiple times on many different occasions where I’ve sat down and I’ve said, what do I believe to be possible about this thing that I want?
OK — what feels like it would probably happen?
What can I visualize in this now moment? Does this visualization actually align me to that desire?
Where do I feel like my path is leading me?
What do I still need to learn in order to become this person who has the thing that I want?
It’s not about dismissing your desires, and continuously putting them into the future that will never get you to where you want to be.
It’s about allowing yourself to see where you are presently at knowing that anything is possible that time is just a construct and that you can manipulate it in your favor. It’s about making the idea “i get what i want” so fucking normal that —
You get to have what you want. I don’t care what it is.
If you have an undying belief in its possibility, you can have it.
And it all starts with knowing your desire, owning it + allowing yourself to have it in the NOW moment by way of allowing your thoughts to align with the fruition of that desire being a GIVEN.
Ask + it is given.
What are you asking for?
Are you allowing yourself to have it?
For guidance on working with your desire, tap into our signature courses where we go into the process of working consciously with the mind // body // soul to actualize your truest desires — even the ones that now seem “unattainable” — ESPECIALLY THOSE ONES.
I’ll see you inside.
For full access to all the courses + insight in monetizing social media // magnetizing your reality to your desire by way of social media — join us inside of the to infinity + beyond portal.
I can’t wait to watch as you exponentially expand into your DREAM version of you.
xo, Mads