The grass is never greener.

Life works in mysterious ways… & my journey has been nothing less than mystical.

The journey is not always pretty. Sometimes it can be painful. Sometimes it can create loss. But it is always for your highest good.

The journey is not always pretty. Sometimes it can be painful. Sometimes it can create loss. But it is always for your highest good.

For the longest time, I always imagined my future as abundant. I always put it in the future, somewhere I could never be present. What I’ve learned recently, is that the present is where we must place our desires. Because the present is the only place we can truly be…present.

Wake up with gratitude. Wake up despite the trauma you’ve endured. Wake up because every moment, every day, is an opportunity for change and growth. Thank the universe for the day ahead, the days past and the days yet to come. Gratitude is the best …

Wake up with gratitude. Wake up despite the trauma you’ve endured. Wake up because every moment, every day, is an opportunity for change and growth. Thank the universe for the day ahead, the days past and the days yet to come. Gratitude is the best form of currency.

Chances are, even when you get to the future, you’ll be thinking so far ahead, that you will have forgotten that your present state was often once dreamed about. It is important to feel fulfilled in the moment. You are abundant NOW. You are growing NOW. You are already living in the reality you once desired.

Choose to look at the bigger picture. Reframe that trigger. How is it helping you grow? How can you use this to help change the world?


The grass is never greener, in the future or in the past. Life just is what it is. And it is freakin’ beautiful. It is amazing that we are able to mold and create our lives into what we desire. We are so blessed with so many amazing technologies and resources, that we often misuse or take for granted.

By becoming conscious of what you’re doing right now and right here, you are able to mold your future into one that’s better and brighter. The first step is always to take the first step. Why wait? The present is as good of time as any.

We are like water; meant to flow.

We are like water; meant to flow.

We are always taught to worry about what will happen in ten years…what uncertainty is present in the near, but distant, future. How we will prepare for our futures. But in reality, the best things we can do for ourselves is to prepare for right now. The future is important, but it’s building blocks are what is happening right now.


Let the fear be a bridge that fosters understanding and love; a bridge that takes you to the future.


The Start of the Century.


letting go.